Doctrinal Statement
...They received the word with all readiness of mind, and searched the scriptures daily, whether those things were so. Acts 17:11
We are an Independent, Fundamental Baptist Church.
We stand for:
- The Trinity (one God in three equal Persons: the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit)
- The inspiration and preservation of Scripture, the Holy Bible as the Word of God
- The Virgin Birth and Deity of Jesus Christ
- The substitutionary atonement of the death of Christ
- The literal burial and bodily resurrection of Christ
- The imminent second coming of Christ (Premillennial and Pretribulational)
- The future fulfillment of promises to Israel by Jesus as Messiah and King upon the throne of David during his Millennial Reign on earth
- Condemned condition of all who do not accept Jesus Christ as personal Savior and Lord, as all inherit a sin nature and choose to sin against God
- Election and calling of believers according to the purpose and foreknowledge of God
- Eternal security of all believers
- The Rapture (catching away) of the saved at the return of the Lord Jesus Christ
- A literal Heaven and Hell, the only two eternal states
- A literal six-day Creation and world-wide Noahic Flood
- Adam created by God as the Head of the human race, Eve made to be his wife as the Biblical standard of marriage, the Fall as the entry of sin and death which passed upon all men through Adam
Biblical Baptist Distinctives:
- The Bible as the rule of faith and practice
- The church as an autonomous assembly, congregational in its government
- The church as a local body of saved, Scripturally baptized, regenerate believers
- The priesthood of all believers, having direct access to God through the only Mediator, Jesus Christ
- The two ordained offices of the local church: pastors and deacons
- The two ordinances of the local church: Baptism of professing believers by immersion, and the Lord's Supper as a memorial meal administered to and observed by its members (closed communion)
- Individual soul liberty, the practice of religion to be individual, personal, and voluntary
- The responsibility of all members to witness and soul winning, and support of missions to spread the Gospel throughout the world
- Support of the church through tithes and offerings
- The need for separation of members from sinful, selfish, and worldly desires and actions unto Christ-like lives
- The duty to discipline publicly-erring members with the goal of repentance and reconciliation, but to withdraw fellowship if necessary to preserve the testimony of the church and its representation of the holiness of God
- Separation of Church and State, no government control over the free exercise of religion, and no religious sect to establish control over or preferential treatment by the government